by Paula Peeters | Dec 24, 2019 | Beechmont Nature Journal, Nature journaling
The Queensland Lacebark Tree Brachychiton discolor Along a path strewn with brown fire-killed leaves; dried, drought-killed leaves, and scattered with charcoal and ash – I find this: Opulent pink flowers, freshly tumbled, two hundred or more. While above me springs...
by Paula Peeters | Sep 13, 2019 | Writing
I found this charred piece of someone’s book on the edge of Timbarra Drive, Beechmont, where 10 houses were destroyed by fire last weekend. I talked to some firefighters who were patrolling the area in a truck, and thanked them for the amazing work they had done to...
by Paula Peeters | Jul 26, 2019 | Tales of science, Wildworld Books, Writing
How did the rainforest trees find which animals could carry their seeds far and wide? By inviting everyone to The Rainforest Ball, of course! A story to celebrate National Tree Day, from my book Stories from the Wildworld. The Rainforest Ball Long ago, the rainforest...
by Paula Peeters | Jul 20, 2019 | Beechmont Nature Journal, Nature journaling
Winter days in Beechmont have been cool, clear, still and sunny. Apart from a week of much needed rain, and the occasional windy day. I have been preoccupied with many other projects, but managed to squeeze a bit of nature journaling in too. Here’s a page I...
by Paula Peeters | Apr 30, 2019 | Beechmont Nature Journal, Nature journaling
Autumn in Beechmont brings clear, calm days. Rose robins squawk softly from the trees, while yellow robins inspect the pea and bean seedlings emerging in the vegie patch. Soft rain and bright sunshine brings out the greens. The dogs are frisky now the hottest weather...