by Paula Peeters | Oct 10, 2024 | A cartoon guide to Australian Ecology, Wildlife illustration
‘Tree hollows are animal homes’ is a new series of designs inspired by the relationship between the many Australian animal species that use hollows and the trees that provide them. This #3 design includes illustrations of 19 animal species that use hollows in the...
by Paula Peeters | Jul 22, 2016 | Tales of science, Writing
She didn’t need much. While I was busy with my own small worries, my own daily life, this last two years, she was just quietly getting on with her own. I didn’t know it, but she was less than a kilometre from where I live, maybe a lot closer than that. For there are...
by Paula Peeters | Jul 26, 2015 | Forest portraits, Tales of science, Wildlife illustration
Many beautiful beasties live in wet sclerophyll forest, including those that dwell or nest in the hollows of venerable old trees. Gliding possums that eat leaves, blossoms or trees sap; owls, tree-creepers and parrots; bats, snakes and antechinuses¹. As I started...