Nature Journaling for Gardeners

Nature Journaling for Gardeners

Nature journaling is another great way to enjoy gardens – either your own little green space, or the gardens of others. As I’ve written elsewhere, nature journaling is fun and relaxing, it sharpens your powers of observation, and it’s a doorway to...
The Selfish Tree

The Selfish Tree

“Sometimes people ask me,” said the Blue Gum*, “Don’t you mind when the termites hollow out your innards, your limbs drop, the parrots chew your skin to make new holes, the moths and beetles tunnel into your wood, and the cicadas suck your sap?” “Yes I sometimes...
Drawing birds in Adelaide

Drawing birds in Adelaide

Last week I was in South Australia, visiting family and friends. I had also embarked on compiling some nature journals ‘on a theme’, including one on birds, and one on gardens. The garden journal I’ll show you in a future post, but today’s post...