After the rains, come the fungi. In the rainforest, tiny mushroom caps peep from the leaf-litter in shades of red, white, grey and brown. Others stand tall by the track, watching the booted feet tramp by. Crouch down and look closely to sketch a tiny mushroom, and you never know what else you might discover…

Back home, I watched the parrots clamber down the white beech branches and hop onto the swinging seed tray. We put seed out maybe once every two weeks, but it doesn’t take long for the local birds to find it. They seem to fly by several times a day, just to check…

This week I also discovered the beauty of cabbages 🙂

These were background studies for more Pollinator Link illustrations, all about creating wildlife-friendly gardens in greater Brisbane. I can’t show you the whole image, but I think you’ll understand how much fun I’m having creating these pictures!

Until next time, happy nature-loving!
I find your journal articles/ drawings beautiful – refreshing me in this stressful life.
Hi Jenny, good to hear from you! And thank you for leaving such a lovely comment. I’m really glad you’re enjoying the nature journal.